Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Crazy Bonez

Last bone drawings of the semester... tho' unfortunately not forever. Haha!... my wrists hurt. :X

Anyway, full pronated and supinated arm and shoulder bones, and full anterior and lateral leg and hip bones.

Funny how we artists will sacrifice the comfort of our own bones and joints on order to make pretty pictures of bones and joints. Equivalent exchange, bitch!

Also... REPOST!

As some of you (but probably not most of you) know I posted my vertebrae drawings a while back... these however were done in the wrong views. I said if i had time, I'd redo them... so i did.

So here the are... done correctly!

... One week till hibernation! :D

1 comment:

Stephen Good said...

Equivalent exchange, yes, we animators are alchemists of time and space.