The winter semester is back in full swing, and I've mostly had my hands full with getting ready for our 3rd year group film, and prepping for my internship application. Related to the latter, on the side I have been working on a couple of additional art projects that I have managed to include in my demo reel and portfolio site, which you can view
HERE. For the sake of explanation, I'll post my newest work here. Most of my free time the last two weeks have been spent working on a model of the chef lip sync character I animated last summer (see July 2010 post). The idea was to not only include a model demo for my portfolio, but also get a personal model completed for the character rig assignments in this semesters 3D animation class. Sufficed to say, the model is now done, and the rigging can commence. Here it is for your viewing pleasure:

Here's the textured/coloured version that is ready for the rig.

And just for kicks, here's a proper turnaround demo of the alien character I modeled over last summer.
I have plans for this character, but my first attempt at rigging fell flat. For now I'm focusing on rigging my chef model, but when the alien character has a functional rig, I do intend to animate it.
good work on your portfolio, mah! :) lots of good stuff!
Thanks Nicole! Hope that yours is coming along nicely as well.
Cool stuff Jeremy =) I like the little alien dude
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