Saturday, September 20, 2008

Shake that Ass!

So our first official project in Life Drawing is to draw six views of a bone. 4 bones in all over the course of the semester, this weeks is the Pelvis... and boy was it hard... well, not hard per-say, but very time consuming. I think it took me an average of an hour and a half each (2 hours counting breaks, 'cause I'm such a slacker! Hahaha!)

But in the end I got them done pretty much this Friday alone! Sweet!

I know what some of you are thinking! "OMG, those are sooooo good!" But to be honest, I think I could do better... actually, probably not. They were done to the best of my current ability. And to be fair, the first couple were poor I think, but I learned from them ,and they seemed to get better (and easier) as I went down the list! I guess that's the point, eh? Well, all I know is that some other friends of mine spent much more time on it than I did, and I'm on too tight a schedule to work them out anymore. But whatever, at least I think they're good enough to submit! And like I said, considering my life drawing skill, they're actually pretty good! We'll have to see what the mark comes out as. Haha!

Thanks for viewin'!

Peace Out! I'll be back soon!

1 comment:

kathryn! said...

them's some great hips ;)
seriously though, looks awesome!